International Programme Committee
The role of the IPC is as follows:-- To advise on the organisation of the conference;
- To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
- To advise on the topics of the conference;
- To help with the paper review process
- To assist in monitoring overall quality.
The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs:-
Name | Affiliation |
Prof. Kyota Aoki  | Utsunomiya University, Japan  |
Prof. Luis Anido-Rifon  | University of Vigo, Spain  |
Dr. Farshad Badie  | Aalborg University, Denmark  |
Prof. Jeffrey P. Bakken  | Bradley University, USA  |
Dr. Elena Barbera  | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain  |
Prof. Madhumita Bhattacharya  | New Paradigm Solutions Ltd, New Zealand  |
Prof. Claudio Brito  | Science and Education Research Council, Portugal  |
Prof. Dumitru Burdescu  | University of Craiova, Romania  |
Prof. Nunzio Casalino  | Guglielmo Marconi University and LUISS Business School, Italy  |
Prof. Michele Cole  | Robert Morris University, USA  |
Prof. Steven Coombs  | Hamden Bin Mohammed Smart University, UAE  |
Prof. Robertas Damasevicius  | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania  |
Dr.Yousef Daradkeh  | Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia  |
Dr. Jean-Pierre Gerval  | ISEN, France  |
Dr. Foteini Grivokostopoulou  | University of Patras, Greece  |
Dr. Karsten Henke  | Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany  |
Prof. Maung Htay  | Radford University, USA  |
Assoc. Prof. Shiroh Itai  | Tsukuba Gakuin University, Japan  |
Prof. Alexander Ivannikov  | Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia  |
Assoc. Prof. Hiroko Kanoh  | Yamagata University, Japan  |
Dr. Aleksandra Klasnja-Milicevic  | University of Novi Sad, Serbia  |
Prof. Andrew Nafalski  | University of South Australia, Australia  |
Prof. Khine Moe Nwe  | University of Computer Studies Yangon, Myanmar  |
Prof. Toshio Okamoto  | Kyoto College of Graduates Institute, Japan  |
Dr. Isidoros Perikos  | University of Patras, Greece  |
Prof. Ekaterina Prasolova-Forland  | Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway  |
Dr. Valeri Pougatchev  | Voronezh State technical University, Russia  |
Assoc. Prof. Danguole Rutkauskiene  | Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania  |
Prof. Demetrios Sampson  | Curtin University, Australia  |
Assist. Prof. Masaru Sanuki  | University of Tsukuba, Japan  |
Prof. Adriana Burlea Schiopoiu  | University of Craiova, Romania  |
Prof. Natalia A. Serdyukova  | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Russia  |
Prof. Cristi Spulbar  | University of Craiova, Romania  |
Assoc. Prof. Ruxandra Stoean  | University of Craiova, Romania  |
Prof Masanori Takagi  | Iwate Prefectural University, Japan  |
Prof. Wenhuar Tarng  | National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan  |
Dr. Gara Miranda Valladares  | University of La Laguna, Tenerife  |
Prof. Dr. Toyohide Watanabe  | Nagoya University, Japan  |
Prof. Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke  | Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany  |
Assist. Prof. Stelios Xinogalos  | Univeristy of Macedonia, Greece  |
Prof. Yoshiyuki Yabuuchi  | Shimonoseki City University, Japan  |
Prof. Larissa Zaitseva  | Riga Technical University, Latvia  |